The squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky, stiff nipple clamps. Sharp breast nipples are a direct call for these nipple clamps, crowned with tiny red squeaky kulkus. Squeezing and squealing pleasure, and no complaints on the visual side either! You can adjust the clamping force of the nipple clamps with small screws.
The idea behind the nipple clamps is to prevent blood from flowing into a stiffened nipple. The nipple clamps can be used for both men and women and many people combine them with SM and tying exercises
-2 nipple clamps, clamping force adjustable with screw - Each
clamp has two red screeching guns
The idea behind the nipple clamps is to prevent blood from flowing into a stiffened nipple. The nipple clamps can be used for both men and women and many people combine them with SM and tying exercises
-2 nipple clamps, clamping force adjustable with screw - Each
clamp has two red screeching guns